Salon TAVES 2014 à Toronto

Estelon speaker

Je ne publie que très rarement des communiqués de presse sur une marque ou un événement, mais là il s’agit d’un salon canadien d’importance et pour cette raison, je souhaite partager plus largement.

En substance, pour celles et ceux qui ne parlent pas l’anglais, le salon de Toronto, aussi appelé le TAVES pour Toronto Audio Video Electronic Show, ouvrira ses portes du 31 octobre au 2 novembre à l’hôtel Sheraton situé dans le centre ville.
Si j’en crois la feuille de route, nous devrions assister à un salon hautement pluraliste, où image et son vont aller de concert.

Les nouvelles technologies en terme d’écran de télévision en passant par la photographie, cela risque de stimuler l’attrait du public plus qu’à l’ordinaire. Le son stéréo c’est bien, le multimédia, c’est encore mieux.

La hifi ne sera pas en reste, vous le savez bien, mais force est de constater que nous stagnons dans ce domaine, à moins d’arriver avec du sang neuf … c’est ce que nous verrons et formulons de nos vœux.

Je m’attends à des démos hi-fi dignes de ce nom au vu du magnifique matériel en prévision. Souhaitons que l’acoustique des salles soit au niveau de l’ambition de se rendre en mode haute-fidélité jusqu’à nos oreilles.
Parmi les manufacturiers, il y aura entre autre: Bryston, Paradigm, Anthem, NAD Electronics, ARCAM, Mark Levinson, Monitor Audio, Cambridge Audio, Focal, SVS Sound… liste non exhaustive.

Voici ce qu’il faut retenir du prochain salon de Toronto:
TAVES 2014 Show Highlights
– Pas loin de 300 marques de matériel électronique seront représentées,
– Vous pourrez assister à des séminaires gratuits sur l’audio, la vidéo et la photographie numérique,
– Vitrine Technologique avec (Ecrans Holographiques, imprimante 3D en fonctionnement, Automobile Tesla, et plus encore,
– Jolt Art Gallery curated by OCAD U, York University, Centennial College and the Brockton Collective,
– Espace Body Painting accompagné de Musique,
– Espace complètement dédié à la Photographie numérique,
– Espace dédié à la musique portable et autres écouteurs stéréos,
– Rencontre avec l’expert Marc Saltzman,
Alors au plaisir de vous y croiser et bon salon à toutes et tous.

Estelon speaker
Estelon speaker

TAVES Consumer Electronics Show Has Become Canada’s Premiere Event For Showcasing Technology, Innovation and The Latest Consumer Electronics Trends
From Holographic Displays to the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset to Mind Control Headbands – This Show Has All the Gadgets You’ve Probably Never Seen!

This October 31st to November 2nd, the TAVES Consumer Electronics Show will be the ultimate event for Canadians passionate about technology.

The show will astound visitors with the latest and greatest technology, home audio, home theatre, electronics gadgets, digital photography, and a preview of many products not yet available for purchase.

New for 2014, the show will feature a « New Technology Arena », the « Jolt Art Gallery », a « Digital Photography / Imaging » area as well as a dedicated « Headphone / Portable Audio » section. Hosted at a brand new venue – the Sheraton Centre Hotel, in downtown Toronto – the show floor will greatly expand this year to showcase many previously unseen product categories.

Introduced for the first time in 2014, the « New Technology Arena » will enable visitors to see groundbreaking technology products and prototypes – many funded by Kickstarter and Indigogo crowd-funding campaigns.

This portion of TAVES will showcase future technology products that consumers only ever read about online. The highlights of this section will include holographic displays, 3D printers, 3D replicators, an Oculus Rift virtual reality area with prototype video games being shown, the Tesla full-electric vehicle and even mind control devices that lets you control your smartphone and tablet just by thinking about it.

If you’ve ever wondered what the future looks like, the « New Technology Arena » at TAVES is something you simply can’t miss!

HD TV screen and ultra HD 4K solution
HD TV screen and ultra HD 4K solution

Also brand new for 2014 is the « JOLT Art Gallery », presented and curated by OCAD U, York University, Centennial College and the Brockton Collective. The gallery will feature over 120 original pieces of artwork from top local artists, spread throughout the entire TAVES show floor, and draw a connection between consumer electronic designs and various forms of art. A photography competition between students from the presenting schools will be held prior to the show using Sony cameras. The winning photographs will be displayed at TAVES on Sony’s 4K UltraHD TVs in their full glory. And if all of this wasn’t enough, TAVES will also include a « Body Painting To Music » area, where visitors 18+ will be able to look at live body painting, inspired by music.

Another new addition to TAVES 2014 is the « Digital Photography / Imaging » area, where visitors will be able to discover some of the latest digital photography products and accessories, and speak to experts from brands including Sony and Nikon. Since TAVES will connect many of the consumer electronics categories this year and show you how they integrate together, this will be your chance to see how incredibly sharp and detailed images taken by a high quality camera look on a gorgeous big screen 4K UltraHD TV.

Numerous free digital photography seminars will be offered to show visitors, focusing on how to choose the best camera for your needs and how to improve your photo taking skills. TAVES encourages all visitors to bring their own camera to the show and take pictures! The « Body Painting To Music » area will present rare and exciting photo opportunities for all photographers.

Rounding out the new additions to TAVES this year will be a dedicated « Headphone / Portable Audio » section. Inside this section, visitors will be able to discover what it means to listen to their portable devices, like smart phones and tablets, through a higher quality pair of headphones or earphones. With dozens of different headphones to try, we encourage music lovers to try their own portable devices loaded with music.

La musique portable sera à l'honneur
La musique portable sera à l’honneur

As visitors have come to expect from past editions of TAVES, this year’s show will showcase the latest and greatest innovations are in home theatre, television and audio technology that let you experience the full glory of movies, gaming and music. TAVES is specifically designed to give consumers a sneak peak at what is coming out for the holiday season mere weeks before the products are in stores.

This year’s show will offer the largest-to-date show floor, spanning four floors of the Sheraton hotel, where products from many of the major brands will be demonstrated. In addition to visual entertainment, many high quality audio brands that are well known among true music lovers will be demonstrated from companies including: Bryston, Paradigm, Anthem, NAD Electronics, ARCAM, Mark Levinson, Monitor Audio, Cambridge Audio, Focal Speakers and SVS Sound.

TAVES offers visitors insight from some of the best tech gurus in the business including broadcaster Marc Saltzman who will be delivering a seminar on the « Top 10 Tech Trends Worth Getting Excited About ». Other seminars from industry experts will showcase the latest ideas and technologies for wireless integration from mobile devices; and home theatre that will let you take your favourite mobile experience and integrate it seamlessly into a state of the art home theatre environment.
TAVES 2014 Show Highlights
– Explore a show floor of nearly 300 brands of consumer electronics products
– Enjoy a great selection of free seminars – cover topics of audio, video and digital photography
– New Technology Arena (Holographic displays, 3D Printing, Replicating, Oculus Rift, Tesla, Mind Control Devices + more)
– Jolt Art Gallery curated by OCAD U, York University, Centennial College and the Brockton Collective
– Body Painting Area with Music
– Dedicated Digital Photography area
– Dedicated Portable Audio / Headphone section
– Meet distinguished tech expert Marc Saltzman
– and So Much More!
Tickets are $22 for a one-day pass and $30 for a three-day pass.TAVES runs from Friday, October 31st to Sunday, November 2nd.

La pensée du moment

Lorsque tu fais quelque chose, sache que tu auras contre toi, ceux qui voudraient faire la même chose, ceux qui voulaient le contraire, et l’immense majorité de ceux qui ne voulaient rien faire. [Confucius].

Cet article a été rédigé par Marc PHILIP rédacteur indépendant, tous droits réservés, copyright 2014, les textes et photos sont la propriété de l’auteur et du magazine.
Bonne journée et bon divertissement.